Learn about Five Essentials for Wellness as well as Alcohol and Drug Educational Resources toward the bottom of the page.
Five Essentials for Wellness
No long lists, no complicated diagrams–just five things to try to get a little more of. Find that balance to LiveWell.
1. Discover - Seek opportunities that excite, absorb, and fulfill you.
Engaging in experiences outside of your routine or comfort zone expands and diversifies your interests, broadens your perspective, and deepens feelings of joy and happiness. When you are fully immersed in something you enjoy and that challenges you, time slips away and you find yourself in a state of flow. So, pick up a book, attend a speaker on campus, or simply choose activities outside of your habits. Immerse yourself in different and challenging experiences to LiveWell.
Discover these opportunities on campus:
- Find a good read at Armacost Library
- Grow your own plant at the Campus Community Garden
- Immerse yourself in Community Service Learning
- Study abroad
- Take a class outside of your major that interests you
2. Move - Movement is medicine.
The human body is meant to live in motion- walking, running, dancing, and everything in-between. Reducing sitting time and increasing active time can prevent and reduce symptoms for physical and mental health diseases, improve mental focus and clarity, and help manage stress. Some physical activity is better than none. So, take a walk outside, lift weights with a friend, plant a garden, or dance the night away. Prescribe yourself a daily dose of movement to LiveWell.
Get movement from these campus programs and services:
- Practice yoga at the meditation room
- Join an intramurals sport
- Compete in a club sports team
- Venture with Outdoor Programs
- Exercise at the Fitness Center
3. Connect - Connection to others brings us meaning and joy.
Relationships have a significant impact on our physical and mental health. Quality connections are associated with longevity, reduced health risks, and better health habits throughout one’s life. They can help us be less sick, feel less stressed, and provide us a sense of meaning and purpose. Even a brief hello or a laugh with a friend can give us positive benefits. So, set aside some time each day to talk on the phone, share a meal together, or ask the cashier how their day is going. Spend quality time with others to LiveWell.
Connect with others through these campus resources:
- Schedule a wellness coaching session to help you achieve your goals
- Learn more about opportunities provided by Student Involvement and Success
- Join a club or organization
4. Calm - Shift out of stress-mode to care for your mind.
Stress and anxiety put your body into “fight or flight” mode. Our bodies are not meant to be in that mode for long periods of time- it negatively impacts both our mental and physical health. Finding techniques that work for you to reduce your stress can improve focus and performance, mood management, fight against sickness, and aid in recovery. Some ways to find calm include journaling, prayer, meditation, breathing practice, or taking a walk outside. Reflecting on what you are grateful for daily can increase positive thinking and outlook, which provides a break from worry and stress. So, check in with yourself and find those techniques that work well for you so that you can LiveWell.
Find ways to calm on campus:
- Practice meditation in the Meditation Room
- Visit the prayer group
- Enjoy the peaceful LaFourcade Community Garden
- Walk the Labyrinth (located by the Memorial Chapel)
5. Replenish - Listen to your body and fuel it with what it needs.
Sleep, water, and food are the fuel your body needs for its daily functioning. Drinking water daily, sleeping eight hours, and trying to have fruits and veggies at every meal help repair the body and brain for a stronger immune system, protection against life’s stressors, and increased focus and attention. Pay attention to your body’s needs and make it a priority to refuel to prevent illness and burnout. So, choose water over soda, fill your plate with colorful vegetables and fruits, and make sure you are prioritizing your sleep. Restore your body to LiveWell.
Campus resources to replenish:
- Harvest Table
- Student Food Support Pantry
Alcohol and Drug Educational Resources
University of Redlands students, as adults, make individual choices regarding the use or non-use of alcohol and other drugs. However, the health and safety of every member of the university community is paramount. In light of that, the University of Redlands is committed to providing education and resources to assist all community members in making responsible decisions regarding alcohol and other drugs. This begins before students come to campus (via the online course assigned to incoming students), and opportunities for ongoing education are provided regularly. The goal of these educational offerings is not to tell students what choices to make, but to help them make informed choices, and help reduce the harm that often accompanies the use of alcohol and other drugs. Below you will find a list of the various programs offered by our office, including how to get access to the programs.
Programs offered
This interactive session is given to all new incoming students during orientation week of fall and spring semesters. The session is designed to educate students about the University of Redlands’ standard of community and how to navigate through diversity to promote a healthy and respectful living and learning environment.
Length: 60 minutes
Format: Discussion and activity
Everfi is an online platform that provides modules on topics such as alcohol use, healthy relationships, and sexual misconduct. The course will educate students on how to recognize a high risk situation and techniques for intervention and how to prevent emergencies surrounding alcohol and other drugs. Students will also learn to identify the signs of unhealthy and abusive relationships, recognize stalking behaviors, learn how to best support a survivor, and learn more about local and campus resources for survivors of sexual violence.
Length: 60 minutes
Format: Online lecture and activities
This presentation is the Community Standards and Wellbeing Office’s general alcohol education program. Attendees will learn the alcohol basics (i.e., standard drink size, body processing, BAL/BAC, etc.), explore personal use, be introduced to self-monitoring skills, learn how to manage alcohol use for maximum benefit, and examine the relationship between alcohol and behaviors (i.e., sex, driving, etc.).
Length: 90 minutes
Format: Lecture and discussion
BASICS stands for brief alcohol screening and intervention for college students. This is an individually tailored, one-on-one, harm-reduction focused program designed to:
· Help students explore your alcohol use in a non-judgmental setting
· Reduce risky behavior and harmful consequences of alcohol abuse
· Identify changes that could help students reduce their risk
· Provide important information and skills for risk-reduction
The BASICS program is one of the most effective alcohol education interventions with college students. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration has recognized BASICS as an evidence-based model program. The program consists of completing an online self-assessment of substance use behaviors and goals, and 1-2 individual meetings with a trained facilitator.
Length: Two sessions
Format: Online self-assessment and individual discussion
To sign up for this program, email student_affairs@garfie1d.com for availability.
This presentation is the Community Standards and Wellbeing Office’s general marijuana education program. Attendees will learn the marijuana basics (i.e., cannabis effects, body processing, etc.), explore personal use, self-monitoring skills, learn how to manage cannabis use for maximum benefit, and examine the relationship between alcohol and behaviors (i.e., sex, driving, etc.).
Length: 90 minutes
Format: Lecture and discussion
CASICS marijuana is a brief screening and intervention for college students. This is an individually tailored, one-on-one, harm-reduction focused program designed to:
· Help students explore your marijuana use in a non-judgmental setting
· Reduce risky behavior and harmful consequences of marijuana abuse
· Identify changes that could help students reduce their risk
· Provide important information and skills for risk-reduction
The CASICS program is one of the most effective education interventions with college students. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration has recognized CASICS as an evidence-based model program. The program consists of completing an online self-assessment of substance use behaviors and goals, and 1-2 individual meetings with a trained facilitator.
Length: Two sessions
Format: Online self-assessment and individual discussion
To sign up for this program, email student_affairs@garfie1d.com for availability.
As part of the University Party Policy, all organizations that want to host student-sponsored social events are required to register for a party license and have 85% of the active members of the organization be Sober Host certified. To learn more about the University of Redlands Party Policy, click here.
This training prepares attendees to become Sober Host certified. The training educates on risk and liability, event management, Sober Host expectations as outlined in the policy, bystander intervention for both alcohol consumption and to prevent sexual harassment/assault, when to ask for help, and active party scenario role plays. A quiz will be distributed at the end of the training of which a score of 80% or better is passing.
Length: 75 minutes
Format: Lecture
Do you have an idea for a presentation or activity surrounding alcohol, drugs, party safety, etc.? Email student_affairs@garfie1d.com and give a description of your idea and topic areas, your organization, how many people you expect to attend, and options for dates and times.
Alcohol and Drug Support Group
This group offers the opportunity to process the impact substances have had both personally and academically on your life. Gain psychoeducation and coping skills to decrease the current negative effects that drugs and alcohol have. Gain skills to address self-defeating thinking, emotions, and actions through self-empowerment.
If interested, contact Matt Gragg.